Source Code

How does it feel to relive the last 8 minutes of another person's life?

Enter the Source Code and welcome back to Lyndon Speaks!

I just got back home after watching the movie Source Code. I'll not get into the details as I do not want to spoil those who want to watch the movie. All I can say is that the story is unique (I may not know of other movies with similar story lines but I guess there are just a few.). You'll also definitely be hooked on the thrilling scenes this movie offers. The characters, both main and supporting, will nail you down on your seats and will constantly keep your brain working.

Source Code stars Prince of Persia's and Brokeback Mountain's Jake Gyllenhaal. The movie is now playing in theaters.

What are you waiting for, enter the Source Code and be amazed of what technology may give us in the not-so-distant future!

We cannot change what "was", just always remember that as long as there is an "is", no matter what time that "is" is on, we can change everything for a better "will be". Make every second count!

"Everything's gonna be okay!"

'til next time!

Source Code on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Source Code" was published on Apr 3, 2011. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!