
There is nothing more constant in this world than change...

It all began on August 2, 2008, a Saturday, the day Lyndon Speaks was born out of boredom. During those days, Lyndon Speaks was just a mere pastime. It was just a place where I can record the experiences that I had. It was just a website created from a crappy Windows XP desktop computer and contained only three elements - the header, the blog post, and the archive of posts - all written in simple HTML. Lyndon Speaks was like a road on a remote Philippine province where traffic is an unknown word to people. Back then, Lyndon Speaks only had a hand-full of readers - and that already included my parents. Hahaha!

But times have past, Lyndon Speaks has slowly evolved from its humble beginnings as a blog that only talked about my personal experiences to one that has also shared what I have learned from them; from selfish all-about-me stuffs to helpful how-can-I-inspire others stuffs. Lyndon Speaks has shared things that would help people go on their everyday lives - of course, all based from what had transpired to me, to my friends, to other people, or to the world. From the crappy desktop computer, Lyndon Speaks is now being created from a MacBook capable of producing much more creative designs; from a simple HTML code, to a more complex XML design. The once almost-nothing internet traffic has grown to thousands of page views per day - coming from all around the globe - and I am sure that my relatives would not count close to these numbers of page views. =)

Change is the most inevitable thing in this world. No one can escape from it. Change may do us good or may take as to the opposite side of the road. Yes, sometimes it may be difficult to know in an instant whether change will do us and the people around us good. But we all need to take the risk of changing because only when we change will we grow. If change did not bring you to the road that you wished to take, you can always steer the wheel to a different direction and change for the better.

Having said all of that, let me (and I am dying to say this) welcome all of you back to a changed Lyndon Speaks! The long wait is finally over. February this year when I started on updating Lyndon Speaks, but because of the many changes that transpired, I never had found the energy and the time to continue on the updates. But just like what I had said earlier, we can always take the wheel to a different direction. And that is what I did early this morning. And here it is: the new Lyndon Speaks - louder and bolder! So, what's new? Here they are:

Cool design.

A new template created by Urangkurai and customized by yours truly to further enhance the design and add more rich functionalities to take your reading experience at its finest. I have added several new XML, CSS and HTML codes to make your stay as pleasing as possible. Several new changing banners were introduced together with the upper links to Lyndon Speaks pages for easy access.

Share, share and share.

The new Lyndon Speaks is now capable of letting you share my blog posts via email, a reblog in Blogger, and via the two most popular social networks of this generation: Twitter and Facebook. You can find the social icons in both the summary of posts in the home page and at the end of every post. You can visit old posts using the Blog Archive at the side of the website.

Lyndon Speaks on the go.

You can now use your smartphones to scan the Lyndon Speaks code and save it on your devices for easy access in the future. You could still bookmark Lyndon Speaks on your iDevices by following the previous blog post here. Now, we'll be even closer than before.

Join in on the fun.

View twelve of my latest Instagram pictures on the Instagram widget just above the footer of the website. Feel free to comment and find me @lyndonjason. You could also join in on the conversation at Twitter - just look for @lyndonspeaks and for my personal account @lyndonjason.

Follow and enjoy.

You can still follow Lyndon Speaks on Facebook and Twitter, and receive updates via the RSS feed. If you are having troubles with the site, have comments and suggestions, or you just want to say hi, email Lyndon Speaks using your preferred web mail. I'll get back to all your concerns as soon as possible (but I prefer Facebook and Twitter conversations).

Enjoy more.

To get the most of Lyndon Speaks, use the latest version of the best web browsers in town - Firefox, Chrome, Safari. The least version compatibility can be found at the sidebar. As much as I want to support the Internet Explorer, but honestly, I am having a hard time in dealing with the stubborn browser. Hahaha!

So that's it! I hope you enjoyed all the latest updates that Lyndon Speaks has to offer.

And for the remaining days of 2012, let me assure you that I will be with you all the way as we prepare to welcome the changes that 2013 has for us.

For those of you who have been with Lyndon Speaks for the past four years: Wow! Four long years! And we are still in this together. I cannot think of how to thank you guys, but let me do it through the posts that I ahve to share in the coming days. And for those who are new: welcome and I really hope that you will enjoy your stay here in my humble cyber-abode.

Change is always just around the corner. Grab it, and with that change, together let us make a difference!

Until my next post. See yah!

Change on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Change" was published on Dec 16, 2012. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!