My Grown-Up Christmas List

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And everyone would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end

Welcome back to Lyndon Speaks! 

8 more days to go before the one of the happiest day in the year arrives - Christmas! Have you guys been good this year? Have you already visited your favorite shops at the malls and your favorite e-commerce internet websites? Have you prepared your Christmas lists? 

When I was younger, I never failed to prepare my Christmas list. I wrote down everything that I wanted to receive for Christmas - from money, new clothes, new books, and most especially new toys! Making the list and checking it twice was quite fun. The excitement is overwhelming to the point that I was hoping that each day was Christmas. 

Now, I seldom do my Christmas list. Maybe that is part of growing up. But a lot has happened this year, especially these past few days that I am now thinking of doing a Christmas list. This time, the list would not be for myself, but for the people who needed much more this Christmas. Here is my grown-up Christmas list. 

Strength for the loved ones of those who were victims of the horrendous Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting

May the families have strength to at least celebrate this Christmas and more so to carry on with their lives.

Remember the shooting victims and the heroic acts of the teachers

I hope that the memories of the children and the teachers would never be forgotten. May the heroic acts of those teachers serve an inspiration to all of us and a reminder that these second parents that we have will always do everything to protect us. 

New tomorrow for the people in the Southern Philippines devastated by the super typhoon

May they find hope for a better tomorrow amidst the catastrophe that just transpired. 

World peace

It may be a long shot, but I still believe that this can be achieved. 

I know that there are still a lot of things that can be added on my list. Things that may seem unimportant to us but undeniably very important to those who need them. 

I am not asking you to scratch your Christmas lists, but at least add them to your list and remember that there are people who expects none of these material things rather all the support and love that they can get. 

As one people, let us stand together and hand-in-hand let us give succour to those who needed them most. 

Let us all spread happiness, peace and love this Yuletide season and hopefully as long as we live. 

Until next time! 

List on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "My Grown-Up Christmas List" was published on Dec 17, 2012. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!