A lot has transpired this year. A share of good and bad experiences shaped me to become the person ready to face the challenges the year 2009 has for me. If that is the only reason behind everything that happened to me for the past 365 days, I guess that would be enough baggage for the next 365.
The year 2008 was full of both calm and great weathers. I have experienced a lot and am thankful that I was able to experience those. But during the rough times, one of the most abused excuses known to man never fail to come out: "I just have no choice". Hmmm.. Really?! Life is full of choices. We always have a choice - a choice on what to choose! A realization that I'll surely keep in mind this 2009.
Inevitably, we will be faced with new sets of experiences next year. Some may be better, some may be worse. We just have to believe that there is a reason for everything. Believe that there is always a choice - your choice that could definitely make or break you. And if it does break you, just make another choice - a choice not to lose hope!
Enjoy your 366th day of the year 2008, and welcome the first day of 2009 with a big blast!
'til next year!
Blast on!
~Lyndon Jason