Work 1.5

1.5 years at work..

Celebrate with me as I turn a year and a half old at work. Welcome back to Lyndon Speaks!

Yes guys! 1.5 years of working experience, and still counting. I guess that I'll be enjoying what I'm doing and the rewards that I'm reaping for a very long period of time.

I have nothing more to share. I hope that with my own little way and simple achievement, I have inspired you to work hard and enjoy everything that you are doing.

Kudos to me and to all those who are enjoying their jobs!

Thanks for sharing a piece of your busy time with me. Ta-ta for now!

Work on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Work 1.5" was published on Mar 17, 2009. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!