The Price You Pay For Being Free

I do not even know if I could write this post while I am hearing our neighbor's hidden singing talent which I guess should be kept hidden for the good of all mankind!

It is very difficult to concentrate on what you are doing if you hear something as unpleasant as what I am hearing now. It is equally hard to get my well-deserved good-night sleep.

What have I done to my neighbor for me to suffer sleep deprivation under his hands, or should I say under his voice?

But I guess this is what I pay for being free. How ironic. There is still something I need to PAY for a thing which is for FREE. The FREEdom we are enjoying right now is not as FREE as we think. The freedom to do what we want to do even if it is annoyingly annoying in the middle of the night comes with an expensive price which we do not have to pay, but other people around us have to. 

As ironic as it may seem, we should not let other people pay the price of the freedom that we have. Just like buying something at the grocery, you should pay what you buy. Respect and being responsible are the best payments you can offer in exchange of your freedom to do the things you wish to do. Respect the same freedom other people have. Be responsible in exercising your own freedom. 

This post may not reach my neighbor, but sharing this lesson with my loyal blog readers is the best way to start the change that I am hoping for. 

Thank you for sharing your time with me. You may not be here suffering with me (and I guess you do not wish to), but the fact that you are reading this makes me feel blessed of having you in my life. 

'til my next one! Time to try to get my good-night sleep!

Pay on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "The Price You Pay For Being Free" was published on Oct 28, 2010. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!