The EDSA Bus Segregation Scheme

Are you brave enough to take EDSA with the new Bus Segregation Scheme in effect?

Welcome back to Lyndon Speaks.

Yesterday, the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) implemented the EDSA Bus Segregation Scheme. The scheme aims to address the heavy traffic caused by the buses who loads and unloads passengers along the bus stops in one of the busiest streets in the metro – the Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue (EDSA).

Before yesterday, city buses are allowed to take in and drop off passengers in any bus stop along EDSA. Buses are sometimes waiting for a long time along the bus stops for passengers and with the amount of city buses that use EDSA everyday, a long queue results on these bus stops thus causing the hellish traffic most especially during rush hours.

To address this situation, the MMDA strictly implemented the EDSA Bus Segregation Scheme yesterday. In this scheme, buses are given letter codes – A, B, C – and they are only allowed to stop on bus stops with the same letter codes as their buses – Bus A on Stop A, Bus B on Stop B. However, there are limited buses which can use both Stops A and B. These special buses are coded as Bus C. However, passengers riding Bus C will have more travel time since the bus is required to stop on all bus stops along EDSA.

I think that it is too early to tell if it is helpful or not. I also believe that information wasn't disseminated thoroughly since some passengers are still confused and rode the incorrect bus.

To help you in your journey along EDSA, here are the bus stops for each bus code. To reiterate, there is also a Bus C, and these buses are allowed to stop in both Bus Stops A and B.

I just hope that this will be strictly implemented because based from the track record of our government offices, this scheme might just live for up until mid-January next year. In the Philippines, we call that – ningas kugon. Nevertheless, congratulations are in order for MMDA. Thank you for always thinking the welfare of the Filipino citizens in the metro.

Until next time. I hope that Lyndon Speaks has helped you with your EDSA travel.

Bus on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "The EDSA Bus Segregation Scheme" was published on Dec 19, 2012. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!