Variety - The Spice of Life

 Have you ever felt that you are living each day doing the same thing over and over again? Get out of bed at 6 or 7 in the morning, grab breakfast, drive yourself to work, stress yourself with work, stress yourself yet again with the burden of deciding where to grab lunch, attend to meetings in which some you have no idea what went on, drive yourself back home, lie down on your bed and sleep. Those are just during weekdays. Sometimes even your weekends are kind of mechanical. Ever felt that, somehow, all the fun in life were drained from you?

Well, I guess that if your answer is yes, you need some things that would bring back the spice in your life. I guess you need variety. You need to experience new things in order to live life in a whole new level.

Why not try to save your hard-earned money, apply for a US visa and travel to the United States to see the president, or maybe at least get to see where he lives? Experience snow, gamble, live the life A-list celebrities are living! Why not rub elbows with the famous mouse that walked the planet? Climb the grandest of canyons with your loved ones!

Or you can do things with your special someone like trying to get a tan on a white sand beach under the scorching heat of the sun while having some fresh coconut juice served on a coconut shell. You can both even try saying hello face-to-face with the deadliest sea creatures, eat some clam chowder on bread or even drown in some good 'ol soba. You can even experience archery with your partner in crime, fail numerous times in getting on a hammock, or even play a life-sized game of chess.

You can even spice up normal things like watching a really great movie on a really great cinema. Or experiencing 4DX movie with friends. You can also put some fun in overnight work and not dwelling on the fact that it is an overnight work. Have coffee with friends and do people-watching or talk about some things or someone you are fond of talking about. 

All I am trying to say is that there are a lot of things worth doing to spice up your life. I bet you can add some more from the list that I made. Go out! Make friends! Experience life as how you should experience it! Learn from experiences! Cherish them! Make every moment count! Live life to the fullest! Try as many different things as you can and make your life interesting! Variety is the spice of life!

Thanks for sharing a little part of your time with me. And yes, I AM BACK! Lyndon Speaks is back!

'til next time!

Spice on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Variety - The Spice of Life" was published on May 3, 2014. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!