Fight The Heat

The heat is on!

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It is summer time in the Philippines! And due to global warming, summer in the country has gotten hotter to the point that the capital city has reached an all-time high temperature of 35.5°C yesterday. The Department of Health has warned Filipinos and tourists of the threat heat stroke may bring.

Heat stroke is a condition where the body suffers from severe high temperature. With this heat that we are experiencing, it is possible to acquire this condition. Symptoms of heat stroke are severe headache, confusion, increase in breathing, and a high body temperature of 40°C or greater. Heat stroke may cause death.

Because of this, it is just right for everyone to combat the heat. Here are some tips:

Drink plenty of water.

We are taught to drink 8 glasses of water everyday. But with this heat, we should drink as much water as we need. Do not wait until you become thirsty. Always make sure that you are hydrated. Always bring with you a bottle of water where ever you go. Even if you are indoors, make sure to gulp as much water as you could. Every after an activity that you perform, make it a habit to drink. Water will surely keep you alive from this scorching heat.

Ice helps.

Besides from water, ice is your good friend during the summer. You could put an ice on your forehead when ever you feel that you are in heat. You can also put ice under your armpits to cool off your body temperature. If you do not have ice with you, you could always do a cold compress. You could also use your imagination and use what ever you have as cold compress. For instance, you could use a bottle, fill it with very cold water, and put it in your forehead or damp your whole body with it. Anything to cool off your body.

Always take a bath.

Taking a bath 2-3 times a day really helps in cooling down your body temperature. Take a bath like there is no tomorrow. Make sure to shower thoroughly. Bathe your entire body until you feel refreshed. You should also make it a practice to take a bath before going to sleep. This will help you relax from the day's stress and also will help your body cool off for the night. Of course, take a bath before going outside (to avoid heat stroke and for other sanitary purposes.. :p).

Wear what is in.

Put all your dark-colored and thick clothes in your closet. You would not be needing those in this heat. Wear something comfortable. Wear thin clothes. Light colors work. During summer time, less is in. You could walk at the runway wearing the least amount of clothing, it is summer! This is the time to flaunt your abs and show your curves. Flip flops are in. Make sure to wear clothes that can let your body breathe.

Short is HOT.

Want to be as hot as the summer? Maybe it is time to change your hairstyle. This is the best time to cut your hair short. Try something that will show your face during the heat of this summer. Besides from having a low maintenance hairstyle, you'll also feel cool in this summer time. An added bonus is that you'll turn on the heat on others' eyes in a good way.

Stay indoors.

If you have no where important to go to, just stay indoors. Relax. Have a cold drink. Read a book. Turn on the air conditioning or the electric fan. Switch off other heat-causing appliances. It will also be helpful if you would unplug them. You could also try opening the windows where the air will blow in to your house.

Window shop.

I'll not be telling you to spend your money on malls. Rather, you can spend some time window shopping or having a cool fruit juice on your favorite mall. Have your friends with you and spend some quality cool time with them.

Always bring you weapons.

Umbrella, sunglasses, sunscreen, cap, mini-fan: these are your trustworthy weapons in this time of extreme heat. Make sure that you equip yourself with the best weapons and do not forget to have them as minute as possible.

I know that there are a lot more things that you can do to avoid having heat stroke. Whatever they may be, make sure to follow them and take care of yourselves. Summer may be shiny and gay but it may also be deadly.

Enjoy the heat everyone!

Heat on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Fight The Heat" was published on Apr 27, 2011. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!