Signs To Help You Fish Out The Unwanted Boss

It is the status quo that employees are being evaluated of their performance when entering on a company or during performance reviews. Let us now turn the tables and let me help you fish out the unwanted boss.

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Below are the signs that will show you how incompetent a leader is. These signs are taken from Full article is also found by following the link.

Incompetent leaders...

Delegate work rather than balance work load

This allows all attention to be diverted from them in case of failure.

Lyndon Speaks: A bad boss does not know how to allocate resources efficiently. This causes work to duplicate or sometimes this causes unnecessary efforts to be exerted.

Reduce all answers to Yes or No rather than explaining their reasoning

A yes/no manager finds it a waste of time to find the real answer through intellectual thought.

Lyndon Speaks: Leaders should be able to give reasonings to their answers in an instant. Incompetent bosses do not know how to think ahead of time.

Not separate personal life from professional life.

They will bring their personal problem to work.

Lyndon Speaks: Leaders who cannot put away their personal lives from their professional ones greatly affect the output of the team. You should keep away from this type of bosses because they may stress you in ways you'll never expect.

 Manage crisis.

If you are a company that has crisis managers, then you can say goodbye to innovation and progression.

Lyndon Speaks: Leaders, and those great ones, know how to be proactive and does not only manage crisis. They just do not rely on what others think and say but they find their ways to speak out what they say. If something is wrong, great leaders speak out for the welfare of their team.

Create an environment where mistakes are unacceptable

Being held accountable for wrong decisions is a fear for them. 

Lyndon Speaks: It is just normal to make mistakes. A bad leader always points out ones mistakes. A good leader turns mistakes into learnings and help the team realize the good within a failure.

Humiliate or reprimand an employee within a group

A good leader takes employee problems away from a group setting to a more private setting.

Lyndon Speaks: Never, and I say N-E-V-E-R, reprimand an employee directly within a group. You may have other intentions of doing so, but it is just common sense not to do it in front of others.

 Not stand behind subordinates when they fail

Never leave your people to hang out to dry.

Lyndon Speaks: A good leader should not only stand behind his team's back but should also know how to defend them well. An act of defending a team member is not in anyway good if not supported by a well-grounded reason.

Encourage hard workers not smart workers

Poor leaders miss this connection.

Lyndon Speaks: It is not about the quantity or the time one gives for his work, it is all about the quality of the output. Follow my previous post regarding this: Work Smarter

Judge people on hours not on performance

Bad managers will promote the employees that work the most hours and not look at the smart ones who work less……….meaning have better time management.

Lyndon Speaks: This is similar with the previous one. A performance is not based on the number of hours you render work, not by the number of over times you have, not by the number of extended hours you exert, but by the quality of work you have done.

 Act differently in front of their leaders

This is an indication of low self-confidence.

Lyndon Speaks: Bad and incompetent leaders do not know how to act in front of their leaders when in doubt. Good leaders should handle themselves well when in great amount of pressure from their bosses.

These signs sure helped me in fishing out the rotten apples from the bunch of leaders and bosses that I have. And I am very proud to say that I am very lucky to have met great leaders like my Test Director and Test Lead from way back.

I hope these also helped you find out the best among the rest.

'til next time.

Fish on!
~Lyndon Jason

Author : Lyndon Jason ~ The Webmaster

The article "Signs To Help You Fish Out The Unwanted Boss" was published on Apr 26, 2011. For comments, suggestions, or anything that you want to tell the author, feel free to use the various media on the sidebar "Follow Lyndon Speaks". Thank you and may you always have a good day!